Coping With a Lifetime of Change: How to Successfully Transition Through Life

Lundi 17 juin 2013
18:00 à 21:00

Autres dates
Lundi 27 mai 2013
Lundi 3 juin 2013
Lundi 10 juin 2013
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$112,00 - $149,00
April Babey
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688, rue Sherbrooke Ouest
Montréal, QC Canada
H3A 3R1

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Coping With a Lifetime of Change: How to Successfully Transition Through Life

Veuillez noter que cette session sera donnée en anglais.

A four-part series led by: Michael Cullen
Part of McGill University's Personal and Cultural Enrichment Program (PACE)

Date and Time: Mondays: May 27, June 3, 10 and 17, 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Location: 688 Sherbrooke Street West

Cost: $149.00 (for the series)
Come with a Friend discount: $112.00

Life is loaded with responsibilities, decisions, and stress. Change is constant and disruptive.

What if there was a proven way for you to successfully transition through change? What if your unique wisdom and wellbeing could be optimized towards masterful living?

This 4-part series of workshops will enhance your personal experience as you transition through life. Discover how some of the top, contemporary, best-selling authors can help you better cope with 21st century living. See what emerges by the blending William Bridges’ ultimate model of transition with Pema Chodron’s approach of freeing yourself from the past. Assess the inspirational findings and insights from two of this decade’s emerging movers and shakers, Daniel Pink and Seth Godin, and you will have a selection of ideas to serve you best. Plus, by building on your strengths, putting challenges in perspective, and presenting you with a proven, mindful way to effectively deal with change, you will gain the clarity, the confidence, and the means to handle current and future life challenges.

Coping with a Lifetime of Change is your opportunity to discover, explore, and design a strategy for life – your life. Packed with information and a variety of theories, models and examples, each workshop will engage you in a purposeful way. By means of discussion, along with individual and group exercises, you will gain valuable insight into your ways of coping with change. More importantly, you will develop your very own personal strategy as you transition through life.

Led by certified Personal, Professional, & Group coach Michael Cullen, each workshop will leave you with a wealth of information which you can use outside of the classroom. Presented in a friendly yet professional manner, Michael will offer you a selection of proven methodologies complemented with his own, personal experiences through change and transition. Blending information and insight with contemplative exercises and dialogue, these workshops will seem anything but work!

Crafted with the concerns of you in mind, Coping with a Lifetime of Change is a proven way for you to successfully transition through change.

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