A community mobilized for social housing: can we speak louder than a condo?

Dimanche 5 mai 2013
13:30 à 15:00
Line Bonneau
Site Web
7405, boulevard Décarie
Montréal, Québec Canada
H4P 2H2

Itinéraire et carte

Consulté 85 fois
A community mobilized for social housing: can we speak louder than a condo?

The intent of this Jane’s walk through Mountain Sights, a neighbourhood adjoining Blue Bonnets is to give you the opportunity to familiarize yourself with and share your own thoughts on housing groups’ activism, the need for and state of social housing in Québec, the Projet Hippodrome as well the relation between social justice and sustainable development.

Jane’s walk is an annual event taking place since 2007 to honour Jane Jacobs, an activist who firmly believed that residents must take part in their neighbourhood’s development. She encouraged people to become familiar with the immediate surroundings of their place of work, play and residence. She fought to stop highway expansions and encouraged neighbourhood activism. Her thoughts on the city appear in the now classic The Death and Life of Great American Cities and were developed through observation and love of her neighbourhood as she never got any formal training in urban planning.

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