Experiencing the Performance Arts: The Heretics of Bohemia

Samedi 12 mai 2012
Débute à 19:00
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Experiencing the Performance Arts: The Heretics of Bohemia

Saturday, May 12 - The Heretics of Bohemia
At 7 o’clock, you will have the opportunity to meet the puppets, and a guided tour backstage of The Heretics of Bohemia with hosts Alison Darcy, Director, and Joe Shragge, Playwright, two founding members of Scapegoat Carnivale Theatre. After a short break in the ArtLounge, our café/bar, you’ll be invited back in to watch the production. The Heretics of Bohemia is a darkly comic puppet show about a paranoid king, his mother, and their dysfunctional relationship. Set on the mythical Bohemian seacoast, the story follows the king's hallucinatory journey, as he encounters mysterious wanderers, messenger birds, invading armies, ancient rituals and fools, A large ensemble of puppets and actors bring this cosmic fairy tale to life. Please note: Intended for adults but suitable for youth 12+.

This session is co-presented by the Segal Centre.
Date and Time:

Saturday May 12
7:00 pm – 9:30 pm

Location: Segal Centre for the Arts, 5170 Cote St Catherine

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