Farewell Montréal

Samedi 1er juin 2013
Débute à 21:00

Autres dates
Dimanche 2 juin 2013
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3900, rue Saint-Denis
Montréal, QC Canada
H2W 2M2

514 282-3900
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La Vitrine culturelle

Consulté 162 fois
(toutes dates)

Closing the 2013 festival, the iconoclastic pair takes the stage by storm with their unbridled kitsch-flavoured songs. Here’s how they describe their universe: « Stretches of land north of the Jamesie. Pristine areas of the world. Where the earth splits in two. Living with the animals, the lunatics, the rejects. Living even with the artists, the savages. Poetry is boring, but it’s fun.”

Geneviève et Matthieu

(Followed by a partywith Djs Adrien Bletton and Jean Philippe Perras)

BIOGRAPHICAL NOTES - Geneviève et Matthieu
Geneviève and Mathieu. We are artists. When I am 8, I sculpt bas-reliefs on chipboards. You play guitar at 16 or you direct a medieval film at 19. Committed to our artist center for the past 15 fePar un soir ordinaire, deux interprètes tentent à plusieurs reprises de dire au revoir à tous les citoyens qui ont quitté et qui quitteront la ville. Oscillant entre le théâtre d’Aujourd’hui et la rue St-Denis par le biais de la vidéo, ils invitent le public et les passants à une fête d’adieu créée spécifiquement pour Montréal.

Le (dés)enchantement selon Chad Dembski :

The erosion of communities, and how people become nostalgic for the city that once was are two ideas that situate themselves in contradiction to a young generation who continue to try and "re-enchant" the city. By us sharing our personal experiences of home, our favorite places and sounds of the city we are trying to show it as new, show it as a possibility, show it as a place that could be a temporary utopia. As the structures from the Expo and the Olympics fall apart and decay along with the bridges and buildings we ask: what can be done now, by you, by me, by us.

Création, performance : Chad Dembski (Surprise Performance, Montréal), Dustin Harvey (Secret Theatre, Halifax)


The Farewell Project a été développé en Juin 2011 à Halifax, en Nouvelle Écosse, par Dustin Harvey (secret theatre) et Chad Dembski (surprise performance). Le projet fut créé grâce à l’appui du Conseil de la Nouvelle Écosse.
ars. Making visual art is also doing something else.

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